Human anatomy atlas for windows desktop discount coupon
Human anatomy atlas for windows desktop discount coupon

The cranial cavity has been opened and the brain removed. * = cut edge of the peritoneum of the bursa omentalis. The pancreas is higher than is usual (youthful condition). The arteries are injected with red wax mass. The urinary bladder is rather strongly distended. On the right the ductus deferens is exposed by opening up the inguinal canal down to the scrotum. The diaphragm is represented as covered by the fascia transversalis, which has been removed from the Iliopsoas and the Quadratus lumborum. The liver is completely removed and the parietal peritoneum, together with the ascending and descending mesocolon, is dissected away from the kidneys, the most of the duodenum, the great vessels and the musculature, but retained in the true pelvis, being split, however, for a short distance over the ureters. The stomach is removed, except for the cardia and pylorus, and thereby the posterior wall of the bursa omentalis is exposed. The anterior abdominal wall and the anterior part of the Diaphragm are cut away by a frontal section, except for a lower left flap. double center for the distal epiphysis of metatarsal V.proximal epiphysial center of metatarsal I,.Röntgen photographs of the foot are consequently less satisfactory than those of the flatter hand. On account of the arched arrangement of the bones of the foot they overlap in Rontgen photographs, especially the lateral tarsal bones and the bases of the four lateral metatarsals. The centers for the distal epiphyses of the four lateral metatarsals are in some cases double and it is noticeable that no epiphysial centers are to be seen at the proximal ends of the basal phalanges they are quite evident at the bases of the middle phalanges and the terminal phalanx of the great toe. All the tarsal bones show centers and epiphysial centers are visible in the metatarsals and some of the phalanges. boundary of the musculature and fatty tissue,Ĭompared with the preceding figure a marked progress in the ossification of the foot bones is for the distal tibial epiphysis (faint),.center for the proximal tibial epiphysis,.center for the distal femoral epiphysis,.

human anatomy atlas for windows desktop discount coupon

The epiphysial centers of the metatarsal bones are also completely lacking. Only the talus and calcaneus show extensive ossification that of the cuboid is already distinct the cuneiforms, except for a small center in the third, and the navicular are still entirely cartilaginous and consequently not visible in the photograph. Ossification is less advanced in the tarsal bones, which are for the great part still cartilaginous. In contrast, ossification is entirely wanting in both the cartilaginous epiphyses of the fibula. The distal epiphysis of the femur and the proximal one of the tibia, which appear just before or at the time of birth, have enlarged and are now of considerable size the first trace of the ossification of the distal tibial epiphysis is just visible. The figure shows clearly the extent of the ossification of the bones of the lower leg and foot toward the end of the first year of life.

  • tuberosity of metacarpal V (Insertion of the Abductor digiti V),.
  • sesamoid bone of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of digit III (this sesamoid bone is inconstant, compare Fig.
  • sesamoid bone of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of thumb,.
  • sesamoid bone of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb,.
  • proximal interphalangeal joint of index,.
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    The outlines of the soft parts are distinct and there are even indications of some of the skin folds. In correspondence with the concave form of the palm the bones of the thumb are seen almost in profile, those of other fingers from the surface. While the bones of the carpus are somewhat confused on account of some overlapping, the metacarpals and phalanges are so clear that the spongiosa of the articular ends and the compacta of the shaft, together with the marrow cavity it encloses, may be made out the sesamoid bones are also distinct. boundary of the upper extremity and shaft of the ulna,.

    human anatomy atlas for windows desktop discount coupon

    lateral condyle of the humerus (the official nomenclature does not include condyles for the humerus, only epicondyles),.The structure of the spongiosa is only indistinctly indicated. One sees the lower end of the humerus, about the upper third of the radius and ulna and the joint cavity, especially that of the humero-radial articulation.

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    The joint is in the position of extension, the fore-arm bones in supination.

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